Sunday, July 13, 2014

The results are in from the Pike fundraiser:

Rep. Liz Pike (R-Camas) raised more money in one evening that Bully Loserham raised in the entirety of her campaign (If you can call it that.)

Early returns show that Pike raised in excess of $17,000 in ONE NIGHT!

That is at least $2700 more than Loserham has raised since her "campaign" started almost SEVEN MONTHS AGO!

If Lostitham had stuck to the issues instead of acting like a playground putz, I MIGHT have SOME compassion for the fact that she's the lawn and our Liz in the Lawn Mower.

But the problem with hating fringe-left democrats is that they typically have to violate The Rulz as a part of their efforts to fool all of the people, all of the time:

Rule One - If you have to lie, cheat, distort or exaggerate to get elected?

You shouldn't BE elected.

As for the rope selection, Loserham... I suggest a fine, new, hemp rope would get the job done.

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