Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Bully Winningham, ever the rank hypocrite.

It's frighteningly clear to the biggest outright liar I have ever seen in local politics since Tim "The Liar" Leave-it came on the scene.

But this kind of thing?

This kind of rank hypocrisy is rife among the fringe-leftists infesting us:

For several weeks in this lying cow's campaign, I asked her questions... questions left on her campaign facebook page.

For several weeks, I asked Mike Briggs questions... questions that were left on his campaign facebook page.

For several weeks I asked Bob Dingethal questions... questions that were left on his campaign facebook page. 

And what answers did I get?

Absolutely none.

My questions were first ignored... and then, deleted.  Meaning I, as a prospective constituent, was meaningless to any of them.

And for this brain-addled liar to claim that our Liz can't answer "simple questions?"

This woman shouldn't even be let out without a keeper.

What a pathetic disgrace of a human being she is, let alone as a candidate.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Is Bully Winningham a complete psychopath?

Look, Bully Winningham knows she's going to be crushed this November: her pathetic showing in the primary has killed any hope this lying blivet has of ever getting elected.

But why does she insist on lying at such a psychopathic level?

I'm mystified:  Ever since she gave her lie of a speech at the democrat goat rope so many months ago, her campaign has centered on lies, exaggerations and fantasies has she's insisted on campaigning like her district was in downtown Seattle instead of rural Clark County.

From supervising and training some of the 50,000 slave-wage-employed, outsorurced workers her company that she brags so much about is responsible for.

But this garbage?

Why does Bully have to be such a liar?

Is she so desperate that she has to stoop to this level, even though she knows she's lying?

Good God, but it seems every democrat running for legislative office has been reduced to this kind of playground bullshit.

And that's the psychotic aspect of this.

Given her campaign of lies, I'd suggest that Bully get some serious help.

And, come the night of the election, she be put on suicide watch.