Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Two weeks later, no WEA endorsement.

The only thing to date that Bully has failed to do is to pay for this endorsement that Briggs, hardly a mental giant, picked up the day of his WEA interview.

Two weeks later... and nothing.

Bully has stuffed the WEA into a tough position.  They can endorse her, but then they'd have to deal with the fallout of endorsing a proven liar.

They can do the alternative, and endorse Liz Pike... which would cause Bully's head to, literally, explode.

What would be best for both Rep. Pike and the WEA is if they just withheld the endorsement in this race altogether.

But you've GOT to wonder:

What's Bully going to do about this?  What are local democrats going to do about this?

What kind of message does it send that the WEA won't endorse her... particularly when there's no one else with a "d" after their name?

This is but another symptom of the generally sad and rather pathetic candidates the left offers the population to choose from.

Being as popular as Hep C can do that to a party.

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